Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society
Updated February 17, 2024
NJ1Q Shows Off W1AW
At the January 11 meeting, Joe Garcia, NJ1Q, made our first presentation for 2024. Joe is the station manager and trustee for W1AW, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station at ARRL’s headquarters in Newington, Connecticut.
Joe gave an excellent tour of the station and offered lots of insight into the design and construction of W1AW. The ARRL’s flagship station transmits one-way voice and digital bulletins as well as morse code training practice. You can find out more by visiting Meanwhile, check out Joe’s video.
Field Day BOLO
Be On the Lookout for potential Winter and Summer Field Day Sites. It’s early but the early bird gets the best FD sites. What to look for:
• For Summer Field Day, an indoor facility with air conditioning.
• Room for an antenna trailer and/or high long wire antennas.
• A short distance from the operating room to the antenna farm without feedlines having to cross a road or drive.
• For Summer Field Day, we prefer to use a local site located in Carrollton, Addison, or Farmers Branch for the best club member attendance.
• For Summer Field Day, we prefer to have the option of operating around the clock with no curfew.
• Nice indoor restrooms.
• Food! Either a full kitchen or an outdoor grill for burning burgers
• Located in a public space or along a high-traffic city road such as Valley View, Beltline, Josey, Frankford, etc.
• Low or no usage fees.
We’re looking for ideas. While you are driving around town, look around and see if anything looks viable. You might drive by a great location.
• Public parks usually have usage fees, no air conditioning, and a curfew—not the best places for Summer Field Day but they might work for Winter Field Day.
• Are you an active member of a ham-friendly church that might be willing to donate their space including overnight and Sunday morning space?
• Do you or one of your friends own a brick-n-mortar business that we might be able to use?
• Would your employer be willing to host Field Day in their building?
• Do you know someone who owns vacant store property and is ham-friendly? (Check the boxes: public space, restrooms, air conditioning, rooftop for antennas, 24-hour access, local location—BINGO!)
Having said all this, are you a retiree and would be willing to make a 2024 Field Day road trip to somewhere cooler than Texas in June? How far north do you want to go?
If you were one of the Field Day Marshals, where would you like to set up Field Day? Would you like to be a Field Day Marshal or Deputy?
Save the Dates!
Winter Field Day—January 27–28, 2024
ARRL (Summer) Field Day—June 22–23, 2024
Texas QSO Party—September 21–22, 2024
73, Ron, NN5R
The Party
On Thursday, December 14, hams and their guests converged on the American Legion Post 597 in downtown Carrollton for MARS’ annual Christmas Party. All were in high spirits as they sat down for excellent steak or fantastic chicken (sous vide) dinners. Proceeds from post events (such as ours) benefit charities throughout our community.
MARS President David Gilpin, K5GIL, was MC for the evening and very popular. He not only passed out door prizes he entertained us as well with his fine singing voice during karaoke time.
Allan Batteiger, WB5QNG, recognized several Volunteer Examiners who participated in license testing sessions throughout the past year.
Tom Yenny, K5LOL, walked home with the grand raffle prize, a Yaesu FTM-500DR mobile transceiver.
Many thanks go to the volunteers and staff at the American Legion post for their excellent food and warm hospitality. Thanks as well to Ham Radio Outlet and Main Trading Company for their contributions to our door prizes. We’re looking forward to next year’s event. Meanwhile, check out the photo gallery below.