Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society

Updated February 3, 2025
The club is associated with the Carrollton-Farmers Branch-Addison ARES®/RACES organization. This group helps monitor severe weather in the area and provide backup communications capabilities in case of emergency. In addition, Carrollton-Farmers Branch-Addison ARES/RACES helps provide communications at scheduled events around the area.

Membership Applications
Would you like to join Carrollton ARES or RACES? Go here to download and review the Basic Membership Requirements.
Next, download and save these forms. One version allows you to fill in the the blanks on your computer; the other is suitable for printing and filling in by hand.
You may email the completed application to Steve Darrah, KD5YPB.
(Please note the file you download will not show the actual document name. We recommend you rename it so you can find it again.)
ARES® Application Fill-in with Computer
ARES® Application Print and Write-in
RACES Application Fill-in with Computer
Training Nets
Unless otherwise instructed, ARES® Training is on the second Sunday of each month, at 8:00 PM CT; RACES Training is on the third Sunday of each month, at 7:45 PM CT. Both nets are on the Metrocrest repeater, 145.210, tone 110.9.
Click the links below to download the net scripts.

It’s not just for tornadoes
Please go here to learn all about Outdoor Warning Sirens or just click the siren.
Severe Weather—What to Report
Tornadoes, or signs one may be developing (funnel clouds, strongly rotating wall clouds, etc.)
Flash Flooding: rapidly rising water into areas that do not typically flood
Hail: larger than 3/4 inch in diameter (penny-sized or larger)
Damaging Winds: damage caused by thunderstorm winds or measured winds of 50 mph or greater
Type of report: What are you reporting
Time of event: When did it occur? Now, or earlier?
Location of event: Where did it occur?
How? Measured vs. estimated?
Magnitude? Damage, injuries, etc.
Please visit https://wx5fwd.org/guidelines for detailed information.
The Dallas Amateur Radio Club hosts an EmComm Net every second Monday at 7:00 PM CT on the W5FC repeater, 146.880 tone 110.9. All amateurs are invited to check in.
Training Notes & Resources
These links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society, Inc. of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. The Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society, Inc. bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Winlink Software - Please go the LINKS page for Winlink Express, Direwolf, and Soundmodem.
City of Carrollton Emergency Management Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
ARRL Emergency Communications Training
ARRL ARES® Strategic Plan Jan 2019
ARRL ARES® Training Manual 2015
ARRL ARES® Standardized Training Task Book v2.1.1
ARRL ARES® Field Resources Manual
National Interoperability Field Operations Guide 2.01
The National Interoperable Field Operations Guide (NIFOG) is now available as the eNIFOG mobile app on Apple® iOS™ and Google® Android™ devices. Please go here for more information:
Auxiliary Communication Field Operations Guide (AUXFOG) v1.1
Rig Readiness - RACES net, March 19, 2017
Go-Bag Essential Contents - July 2020
How to Turn Off WiRES™ on Yaesu Radios
Cloud Cowboy October 2024 Reference Manual
Radio Desk Team for the Fort Worth National Weather Service (NWS) Office
Much information on this site.
SKYWARN® Online Training Course
SKYWARN® Weather Spotter’s Field Guide
Software and other resources
CHIRP Radio Programming Software http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home
Carrollton-Farmers Branch-Addison ARES/RACES frequency list (18 May 2018)
“ARES®” and “Amateur Radio Emergency Service®” are registered service marks of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and are used by permission.
Skywarn® and the Skywarn® logo are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.