Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society

Updated September 16, 2024

Would you like to become a member of MARS? You do not need to be a ham to join. Just download the application form, fill it out on your computer, save it and send to Secretary@KB5A.org. Better still, bring it with you to our next in-person meeting!

Join the ARRL • The national association for AMATEUR RADIO®
If you are not already a member, or have not been a member for 2 years, we encourage you to join the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). If you want to renew your existing membership you can do that as well right now!
1. Download the application (PDF), fill it out, save it to your computer and send it to Treasurer@KB5A.org.
2. Next, click on the PayPal button to pay your dues—it’s only $59.00.
Current MARS Members
Please visit https://www.hamclubonline.com/ to update your information or to pay your MARS dues.