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MARS operates various radio systems for the benefit of members, government agencies such as the National Weather Service and local cities, other amateur radio operators and the public. The chart below lists systems owned or affiliated with the club. Please refer to the Guidelines document for information about using repeaters.

MARS Systems

Frequency MHz | Offset MHz | Tone | System | Call

145.210 | -0.6 | 110.9 | FM Repeater | KB5A (Primary)

146.640 | -0.6 | 118.8 | Under Construction | KB5A

442.650 | +5.0 | 110.9 | FM Repeater | KB5A

444.075 | +5.0 | 110.9 | Fusion/FM Analog Repeater | KB5A

147.580 |  N/A |   N/A | Winlink® Gateway | KB5A-10

Affiliated Systems

Frequency MHz | Offset MHz | Tone | System | Call

440.450 |  +5.0 |  CC 1 | DMR Repeater  | N5GDL

927.175 | -25.0 | 110.9 | FM-N Repeater | N5KRG

Other Systems

Frequency MHz | Offset MHz | Tone | System | Call

147.300 | +0.6 | 110.9 | Fusion/FM Analog Repeater | N5ZW

442.275 | +5.0 | 110.9 | Fusion/FM Analog Repeater | N5ZW

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