Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society

January 21, 2025
Christmas Party a Huge Success

MARS members and guests were in the spirit of the Season at our annual Christmas Party, December 12, in downtown Carrollton. The American Legion Post 597 hosted the event with fine food and friendship. We enjoyed excellent steak and chicken dinners and handed out terrific door prizes.
Tom Yenny, K5LOL, repeated his 2023 success by taking away the grand raffle prize, an Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus HT. MARS is looking forward to next year’s fest and wish Happy Holidays to everyone and a wonderful New Year.
ISS Hams Wish Happy Holidays

NASA Expedition 72 Flight Engineer Don Pettit, KD5MDT, and Commander Suni Williams, KD5PLB, pose for a fun holiday season portrait while speaking on a ham radio [Kenwood TM-D710GA] inside the International Space Station’s Columbus laboratory module.