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Christmas Party 2015

10 December 2015

The welcome mat was out for the hams from MARS.

Liz (K5EMB) and Kevin (N5KRG) check in the guests.

Nancy and Robby (WB5RVZ) Robson chat with David Gilpin (K5GIL).

David Gilpin (K5GIL) welcomes the party-goers.

Steve (KD5YPB) and Cathy (KD5YXK) Darrah

Kevin Grantham (N5KRG) and Lisa Chapman

Robby (WB5RVZ) and Nancy Robson

Russell Fish (W5SGV) and Beth Blankenship (KF5LBE)

Robin (KG5APK) and Van (AG5VK) Kozak

Granger Spain (AF5BG)

Dale Finley (KB5NFT) and Beth Blankenship (KF5LBE)

Rachel (W5WZK) and Melanie (W5WZZ) Johnson

Taylor (KE5WJB) and Tom Sherrill

Mary and Dale (KB5NFT) Finley

Joe (KG5HNZ) and Candace Savard

Tom Brewer (K5MET) and John Moore

David (AC5DL) and Deborah (W5DAL) Lewis

Louisa Weigler and Bill Krueger (AE5BK)

Annie and Seth (AF5YN) Bruce

Dale (KC5MAY) and Elvina Hiatt

Bob (W5TFY) and Judy (KB5IMY) Bailey

Barbara and Scott (N5MJQ) Taylor

Susan, Rebbecca and Ron (NN5R) Reeves with Arnold Krusemark (K0YVI)

Susan, Rebbecca and Ron (NN5R) Reeves

Dale (KB5NFT) and Mary Finley

Bill (KG5ILD) and Mary Jackson

David (AF5U) and Peggy Little

Marty Crimmins (K5VQM) and Cyrus Swain

Kelly and Collin Swain

John Moore and Daryl DeVault (KE5SAB)

Ken (W5RPS) and Mary Wendel

Debra and Allan (WB5QNG) Batteiger

K5GIL recites “A Ham Radio Operator’s Night Before Christmas”—again.

Gary Horn (AG5AO) and Lucie Leblanc (KG5GUC) patiently wait for food.

Kelly Swain and Lee Cheever (W5IG) work the food line.

Darrel (KG5E) and Marty (K5VQM) Crimmins guard the door prizes.

David Gilpin (K5GIL) honored Liz (K5EMB) and Mike (W5MDB) Brown with a service award. -photo courtesy Ken Wendell W5RPS

Darrell Crimmins (KG5E) explains the elaborate prize procedures.

“The Book” goes to Robby Robson (WB5RVZ)

Arnold Krusemark (K0YVI) gets a new dual-band mobile antenna.

Peggy Little shows off her nifty power supply while David (AF5U) looks on with envy.

A Z11 auto tuner goes to Kelly Swain.

Randy Johnson (W5WZY) wins an SWR meter.

Dale Hiatt (KC5MAY) gets a box of wire.

David Lewis (AC5DL) has new Fox Delta analyzer.

Andy Parcel (KE5KOF) scores some Powerpoles.

Barbara Taylor suspects Scott (N5MJQ) has won something related to radio.

James McCormick (KG5KBP) won an Icom 208H.

The crowd anxiously waits for the Grand Raffle winner to be announced.

David (K5GIL) and Kevin (N5KRG) congratulate Ron Reeves (NN5R) for winning the big prize.

Kris Kringle aka Marvin Malm (KD5ZFY) says “Ho! Ho! Ho! And to all a good nigh!”

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