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Signals at the Switchyard

7 November 2015

The crowd around the gazebo.

Ham Street in downtown Carrollton.

The VHF goes up on KD5YPB’s mast.

Steve KD5YPB gives the dipole a strength test.

20m & 40m sticks with a 2m on top of KD5YPB’s mast.

Liz K5EMB preps the literature table.

Kevin N5KRG produced this nifty brochure.

David AF5U looking for sigs.

David AF5U running CW QRP.

Power comes from the sun with AF5U’s panel.

David K5GIL checks in.

Daryl KE5SAB enjoys his morning cup.

PSK on the big screen (thanks to K5GIL).

Andy KE5KOF, Jim KG5GIF, and Rick KG5HOA muscle up the CrankIR.

Andy KE5KOF makes a precision adjustment.

David K5GIL tunes the CrankIR.

The CrankIR rises into the ether.

Granger AF5BG is very happy to be here.

Ron NN5R hanging around.

Signs a-plenty.

All new hams are fascinated by the possibilities.

“I think that’s my call.”

CW is serious work.

The crowd patiently waits its turn.

Nice to have someone check your work.

Traffic handling is an important skill.

Dits ’n’ Dahs

This new operator reaps a priceless reward.

K5EMB shows how to do it.

Mom waits her turn.

Another very happy customer.

Can non-humans be licensed?

Oh, it’s a disguise!!

Steve KD5YPB campaigns with a future ham.

Ron NN5R finds an interesting read.

Arnold K0YVI helps with the dots and dashes.

Scouts enjoy CW too!

This scout may already suffer a “glass arm.”

Mom wants to be next.

Ron NN5R explains the joys of QRP.

David, AF5U, and Van, AG5VK, in deep discussion.

Andy KE5KOF on patrol.

Code is a family affair.

Sometimes two hands are better.

This youngster has a really big hand.

The crowd queues quietly.

The Switchyard shack was a busy place.

Steve KD5YPB demonstrates Winlink.

Festival Hams

73 from KB5A!

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