Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society
The Forum is open to anyone—you do not have to be a member of MARS to post.
To participate, create a login and a password.
Forum Policies
1. Spam is not allowed.
2. Off-topic posts (messages that have nothing to do with amateur radio) will be removed and repeat offenders may also be removed.
3. Posting offensive photographs or offensive comments, personal attacks including name calling, “bashing” of individuals or services, derogatory comments of a racial, religious, or sexual nature, or comments containing profanity will be deleted and the poster removed from the forum.
4. Commercial advertising is never permitted. Certain home-based amateur radio-oriented businesses may post occasionally. Please check with an Admin before posting.
5. Personally-owned amateur radio gear may be offered for sale as long as it states price (or “best offer”) and location. Links to eBay or other auction sites are not permitted.
6. Repetitive posts will be removed.
7. Notifications about other amateur radio groups that may interest our members are permitted, but only on an infrequent basis, typically once per month.
When in doubt, ask the Admins. We strive to keep this forum clean and safe for all users. If you disagree with any of these guidelines, please feel free to contact