Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society
President’s Corner
March 2018
Tis the season of hamfests! We just had Cowtown in Forest Hills. Irving hamfest is coming up in a few weeks (March 3rd). There will be Belton, Gainesville, Ardmore and more. But the most important for us anyway is Ham-Com. That’s in June right before Field Day. If you have something to sell, maybe to make room for that new FT-991 or IC-7610, we’ll have tables at Ham-Com. MARS makes a small commission and we handle the credit card processing, so it’s a great way to sell old gear and help the club, too.
The other big event coming up is ARRL Field Day. Last year we went to a summer camp in Argyle. It was great! We had a large air-conditioned room, lots of antennas and radios, space for folk to bring their own radios, great food cooked by Dale Hiatt, and more. The thing is, a successful event like Field Day takes a leader—we call that person a Field Marshal—and some helpers. That’s where you come in. MARS needs you to step up and be the Field Marshal this year. The previous Field Marshals will be your assistants, but due to other commitments this year, none of them can be the actual Field Marshal.
I had to laugh the other day. Someone was whining on one of the Facebook ham radio sites about how miserable the bands have been. Two days later one of the ARRL contests kicked off and now you can’t find space anywhere on the bands. They are jammed with signals! What changed? Did a hundred sunspots suddenly appear? Nope. People just got on the air. Amazing how that works. Are you on the air?
MARS is a great club. Thank you for welcoming our new members, and for participating. The go-box Radio Play Day was a big success. Everyone who came went away with good ideas they can use for their own rigs.
Which brings me to my last point this month. It’s nominating time! We have four officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and one Director to elect this year. Directors serve three-year staggered terms with one up for election each year. But the officers serve only one year, and so every position is available. If you want to be part of setting the direction of the club for the next year, please consider running for an office. Also, please consider serving on the Nominating Committee. If you are interested in either, drop me a note at
Kevin N5KRG