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President’s Corner

August 6, 2019

     It’s hot and it’s getting hotter! Come enjoy the air conditioning at the Library this Thursday and experience an exciting meeting of MARS!

     You might think it’s the “dog days of summer” and nothing is going on, but you’d be badly misinformed. At the end of the month there is a fun ARRL “contest” with free logging software available to all hams (ARRL members or not) on nearly all bands from DC to daylight. We have our monthly Radio Play Day and some special sessions coming up. You’ll want to be there to get the inside scoop.

     Gary Rodgers KI5X is building a team to help install and set up AREDN nodes for club members - if you don’t have an AREDN node up (I have four) now is the time. Let’s get a mesh built before the storm season so we have it when we need it.

     The Richardson Wireless Klub is playing with Radio Direction Finding and Fox Hunts. There are new ham satellites up and more launches this year. The Dallas Amateur Radio Club is playing with RTTY. We’re planning a session on FT8. We may even do another “HT Boot Camp.”

     Be sure to come to the meeting and get involved with your Society. Let’s have fun!

   On a more somber note, Tom Brewer K5MET fell and injured himself and is now in a rehab facility for a few weeks. Please keep Tom and Becky in your prayers as he heals.

  See you at the meeting!

  73 Kevin N5KRG President

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