Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society

President’s Corner
January 2019
Happy New Year!
After such a great and busy 2018, you might think that January will be a slow month. Hardly!
Starting with the regular meeting on Thursday and a greatly-anticipated presentation by Tim Duffy, K3LR, with DX Engineering, we’ll follow up with Radio Play Day on Saturday. The regular meeting has moved back to the Hebron Branch library. Play Day will be at the Josey Ranch library.
Play Day is a perfect opportunity to test your equipment – and skills – in preparation for Winter Field Day. That’s coming up two weeks later, the last weekend of the month. It’s also the place to be to play with new (or new to you) equipment you might have received over the holidays, or to get good advice on how to better use things you have already.
The very next weekend is the Cowtown Hamfest. This is in Forest Hills, a suburb south of Fort Worth along I-20. Andy, KE5KOF, has rented a table to sell some of his excess equipment and has offered to let club members sell their gear there too. Contact Andy if you have things you need to sell.
Our website also has a place you can post items for sale. Do you really need 22 HTs? Well, um, I do. But if you don’t, turning them into cash and fulfilling the dreams of someone who really needs what you have to sell could be really satisfying.
So, regular meeting, Radio Play Day, Cowtown Hamfest, Winter Field Day – wow! MARS is starting off 2019 with a bang! Clear the decks and plan to participate.
Coming up after January, we’ll have more interesting presentations, more Radio Play Days, maybe a build-a-thon, and nominations for officers and directors. Please consider running for office. Several of the current office-holders have served multiple terms and don’t intend to run again.
That’s it for now.
73 Kevin