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Johnson Branch Unit, Ray Roberts Lake State Park

The morning’s priority.

The morning’s priority.

Thanks to Chef Dale KC5MAY (Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Setting up

Setting up

Dale Hiatt, KC5MAY, Steve Darrah, KD5YPB, and Dave Lewis, AC5DL string some coax.

Van AF5HK and Robin KG5APK

Van AF5HK and Robin KG5APK

(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Andy KE5KOF and Bill AE5BK

Andy KE5KOF and Bill AE5BK

(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Liz K5EMB and Dale KC5MAY

Liz K5EMB and Dale KC5MAY

(Photo courtesy AC5DL)



(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Another antenna.

Another antenna.

A diamond loop. (Photo courtesy N5KRG)



Everything Buddipole™ makes is in this case. (Photo courtesy N5KRG)



3-element Buddipole configuration for 6m. All it needs is a signal. (Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Yet another Aerial

Yet another Aerial

Dipole in the Trees

Assembling the CrankIR

Assembling the CrankIR

Dale Hiatt, KC5MAY, Kevin Grantham, N5KRG and Andy Parcel, KE5KOF, set up the nifty vertical.

Andy, KE5KOF

Andy, KE5KOF

Antenna Builders Club

Antenna Builders Club

Dale, KC5MAY, Kevin, N5KRG and Andy, KE5KOF.

Even more antennas.

Even more antennas.

A CrankIR and KD5YPB’s mast anchor this corner of the farm.

Let the contest begin!

Let the contest begin!

Bill, AE5BK, Darrell, KG5E and Dave AC5DL (Photo courtesy N5KRG)

I'm next.

I'm next.

Dale KG5E and Martha KV5QM patiently waiting her turn at the mic. (Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Staging the Gear

Staging the Gear

This only looks like a swapmeet.



(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

AF5HK’s pristine Swan

AF5HK’s pristine Swan

Real equipment glows in the dark.

Oh boy! Real knobs and switches!

Oh boy! Real knobs and switches!

(Photo courtesy N5KRG)



Yet another rig

Yet another rig

(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Waiting for the exchange

Waiting for the exchange

Van Kozak, AF5HK, and Robin Evans KG5APK working the vintage Swan.

Robin Evans KG5APK

Robin Evans KG5APK

Andy Parcel KE5KOF

Andy Parcel KE5KOF

Getting ready to program every HT imaginable? (Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Steve Darrah KD5YPB

Steve Darrah KD5YPB

Looking for a Park to talk to.

W5MDB looking for PSK

W5MDB looking for PSK

There’s bound to be a QSO in there somewhere. (Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Ready when you are

Ready when you are

W5MDB’s cheat sheet.

Chef Dale, KC5MAY

Chef Dale, KC5MAY

Burgers & Dogs: Really the whole point to this party.

Mike W5MDB - Paparazzi.

Mike W5MDB - Paparazzi.

(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Bill AE5BK

Bill AE5BK

Deborah W5DAL and Dave AC5DL

Deborah W5DAL and Dave AC5DL

Kevin N5KRG looking up a call.

Kevin N5KRG looking up a call.

(Photo courtesy N5KRG, but secretly taken by W5MDB)

Darrell KG5E

Darrell KG5E

How do I....?

How do I....?

Dave, AC5DL, actually reading the manual.

It’s the best rig.

It’s the best rig.

Robin, KG5APK, and Deborah, W5DAL, working the classic Swan.

Deborah W5DAL

Deborah W5DAL

Deborah W5DAL and Robin KG5APK

Deborah W5DAL and Robin KG5APK

On the air; racking up the QSOs.



Staying warm and happy.

Steve KD5YPB

Steve KD5YPB

Taking a well-earned rest.

Andy KE5KOF waiting for the call.

Andy KE5KOF waiting for the call.

(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Moonrise Over Ray Roberts

Moonrise Over Ray Roberts

(Photo courtesy N5KRG)

Good Night

Good Night

Updated April 10, 2015

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