Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society

Updated August 20, 2016
Field Day a huge success
25 June 2016
In spite of the heat, cramped space and looming power lines, MARS had a great turnout for Field Day. The can-do attitude of Amateur Radio was quite evident Saturday and Sunday.
Billed as a combination “Play Day - Field Day,” folks worked on new projects, played with new equipment, mentored new hams, and even had a VE session. There was no pressure to constantly make contacts.

Steve Darrah, KD5YPB, who arranged for our QTH, set up his excellent field mast and trailer with 20m and 40m dipoles, as well as VHF/UHF antennas. Andy Parcel, KE5KOF, put up his fine Crank IR. Bill Krueger, AE5BK, parked his air-conditioned trailer out front and set up a digital station.
Seth Bruce, AF5YN, and David Rosenfeld, KG5NLA, brought their new rigs and, with the encouragement of Mike Brown, W5MDB, made their very first HF QSOs! David said, “I had a lot of fun and learned a lot!”
David’s dad, Rich Rosenfeld, took and passed his Tech exam. VEC Allan Batteiger, WB5QNG, responded to the call for the impromptu testing session. VEs Andy Parcel, Mike Brown and Robert Reuscher, NR5AR, graded the test. Congratulations to Rich!
On Sunday, Kevin Grantham, N5KRG, brought his magic Elad SDR rig and made several last-minute PSK QSOs.
Going in, there were concerns about high noise from the nearby power lines, and potentially dead bands. Nevertheless, we managed to make 126 phone and 28 digital contacts. We had over 40 folks sign the visitor’s log.
Plans for next year are already underway. Deborah Lewis, W5DAL, suggested we devote the Play Day in May to prepare and work out some of the issues we encountered along the way.
MARS is very grateful to Andy Parcel for spearheading the event. Andy thanked Bill Krueger and Seth Bruce for going the distance by staying overnight. Andy also thanked Liz Brown, K5EMB, for working tirelessly to get people signed up, bringing the office supplies and arranging the literature table, Arnold Krusemark, K0YVI, for bringing gas for the generators “just in case,” and all who helped make this Field Day possible.
Finally, MARS sends a very special “thank you” to the folks at Carrollton Fire Rescue for allowing us the use of their training building.
Please click the gallery below for a few snapshots.
![]() MARS PSK station in the parking lot. | ![]() Bill Krueger, AE5BK, set up his Casita for the PSK station. | ![]() Bill Krueger, AE5BK, Joe Savard, KG5HNZ (with HT), Russell Fish, W5SGV, in foreground. |
![]() Russell Fish, W5SVG, adjusts for lowest SWR. | ![]() FD Chair Andy Parcel, KE5KOF, with Robert Reuscher, NR5AR. | ![]() Pierre Lazarus, David Rosenfeld, KG5NLA, and Steve Darrah, KD5YPB. |
![]() Joe Savard, KG5HNZ | ![]() Steve Darrah, KD5YPB, with Deborah Lewis, W5DAL. | ![]() David Lewis, AC5DL, and Deborah Lewis, W5DAL. |
![]() AE5BK’s antenna. | ![]() KD5YPB’s mast with 20m & 40m dipoles, and VHF/UHF at the top. | ![]() Liz Brown, K5EMB, digging out her HT. |
![]() Russell Fish, W5SGV, with instruction book! | ![]() LeRoy Strickland, N5ZPK, and Bill Krueger, AE5BK, working PSK into the night. | ![]() Andy Parcel, KE5KOF, holding down the fort in the wee hours. |

MARS Hams to Support Philmont Boy Scout Camp
Dale Finley, KB5NFT, and Dale Hiatt, KC5MAY, will be travelling to New Mexico’s Philmont Boy Scout Camp to demonstrate amateur radio. Using the call K2BSA/5, hams will operate mainly during the day using mostly digital (PSK, RTTY, etc) modes as well as SSB and New Mexico repeaters including Mega-Link, Angel Fire, TAOS and even D-STAR/AllStar Link/EchoLink nodes.
Finley said, “The mission is somewhat like a JOTA/GOTA event, operating during the summer showing and talking about ham radio to as many boys, girls, staffers and visitors as possible.”
ARRL Field Day is also on the schedule. If you go, look for the two Dales and the gang on the porch near Tooth of Time Traders. They plan to be on the air from June 15 until September 1.
Finley thanked Icom America for their generous sponsorship that includes an Icom IC-7700 HF rig as well as 2m/440 HTs. To learn more about Philmont please visit their websites, http://philmontscoutranch.org/ and http://www.k2bsa.net/.
Please feel free to text or call KBNFT at 214-244-2100 for more information and schedules. You may download the planned frequency list at the link below.
Doug Loughmiller W5BL SK
MARS has learned of the passing of Doug Loughmiller on July 22. A few years ago, Doug spoke at our meeting and gave a great presentation on Amateur Radio High Altitude Balloons. He was a fantastic speaker and a really good guy. We offer our deepest sympathies to the Loughmiller family.
Please go to the link below for more information.