Updated August 23, 2017
New HT from TYT
By Dave Lane, N5GDL
The big DMR news this month is the Tytera MDR-2017 handheld radio which is now shipping. It’s a VHF/UHF radio that will do DMR as well as analog, at a price just a little over $200. I just got mine in the mail today, and I’m having a great time playing with it.
The supplied software will import an MD-380 codeplug, which is what we already have on I imported that plug, added 145.210, and was ready to roll on ALMOST all the MARS repeaters (when will they make a 144/440/900?).
The radio is IP-67 rated, for those of you who like to ham it up in the bathtub. Many mail order places have it, and according to Ken Hansen N2VIP, HRO will have them at the end of August, along with extra batteries and accessories.
If you buy by mail order, be sure the programming cable is included, since some are charging extra for it; it comes standard equipment in the box. If you’re new to DMR, we can help you get it programmed. Shoot me an email if you have any questions: 73 Dave
For more information about this radio, and to download a new Code Plug for the TYT MD-380/390, please visit the DMR PAGE under REPEATERS.
President’s Corner - July 2017
By Kevin Grantham N5KRG
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the new MARS President. I look forward to working with you on new activities and opportunities You have a fine group of offices in Andy, Seth and Annie, and we’re excited to begin their new terms.
Field Day was great fun, and we made contacts from sea to shining sea.
Wait, what? Aren’t the bands dead? You hear people say that all the time. We are nearing a solar minimum, true. But, how did we make contacts all over the country on Field Day? Are the bands really dead?
Field Day 2017
You can hear the static as you open the door to the Meadows lodge. It sounds a bit like garble, but then you start to understand, “Kilo Bravo, five, Alpha,” as an operator calls out into a hand-held microphone. Another one calls out, “Kirk Battles five Aliens.” There are two people sitting at each of three small tables. One in front of a radio system and a piece of paper, the other with hands on a keyboard typing in the call signs and sections.There is a projector showing a map of the United States and Canada divided into ARRL sections.
Suddenly, one of the operators shouts, “New State!” and that state changes color on the projection. What have you just walked into, a secret war room? Are black helicopters going to fly over next? No, it’s just one of the many ARRL Amateur Radio Field Day locations. In fact, it was the MARS Field Day location at the Briarwood Retreat Center in Argyle.