Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society
Updated June 27, 2019
President’s Corner
June 11, 2019
What a weekend that was! But what a weekend we have coming up. Yes, it’s ARRL Field Day! Field Day is when we set up away from our cozy homes and take radio to the field. While it’s set up as sort of a contest or not, it’s a great time for socializing and for testing our equipment. After all, when a disaster strikes there is no guarantee that we will be able to operate our super rigs from our QTH. We may have to grab what we can and set up somewhere else. We have one more weekend—our Radio Play Day this Saturday—to test gear and antennas and get ready.
President’s Corner
May 6, 2019
Welcome to May! Spring showers and lots of flowers! Most of my flowers are weeds, but that’s another story.
TSPOTA April 2019
President’s Corner
April 9, 2019
It’s April, it’s Springtime, and radio is in the air! This is going to be a great month for enjoying our hobby!
WB5QNG Honored by Scouts
March 14, 2019
At the March meeting, the Boy Scouts of America honored Allan Batteiger, WB5QNG, with the Community Organization Award for his work promoting Amateur Radio. Sponsored by the ARRL, the Amateur Radio Service to Scouting award recognizes outstanding service and achievement.
Allan has been involved in Scouting for over 20 years teaching countless merit badge courses, holding classes and license exams, organizing Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), and making significant contributions to Scouting radio activities. Allan estimates he’s helped over 1500 people get their licenses. He is a member of the Circle 10 Council and president of the K5BSA Amateur Radio Society.
Allan said he is especially proud of helping a number of boys achieve Eagle Scout rank, earning their Radio Merit Badges and becoming licensed amateurs.
Eric Wolf, N5EBW, presented the award that includes the privilege of wearing the distinctive Square Knot badge. MARS congratulates Allan for this prestigious honor.