Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society
Updated July 19, 2015
Van Kozak, AF5HK, Robin Evans, KG5APK, and Liz Brown, K5EMB, check in before “shadowing” Santa Fe Days staff.
Hams work Santa Fe Days
Local MARS/ARES members provided “shadow” service during Carrollton’s Santa Fe Days at Sandy Lake Park on March 14 and 15, 2015. The annual event celebrates Native American art and culture.
Working under net control operators Steve Darrah, KD5YPB, and Dave Gilpin, K5GIL, hams were attached one-on-one to event staff. Chairperson Annette Anderson expressed her thanks and appreciation on behalf of the organizing committee, and noted that the radio operators “made our jobs so much easier.”
Steve extended his thanks to all who participated with a reminder to “Keep the first weekend in March, 2016 open.”
MARS hams at the Prep Rally
Several MARS hams participated in the Dallas County Medical Reserve Corps Prep Rally on Saturday, February 21, 2015. Andy Parcel, KE5KOF, Dale Finley, KB5NFT, Kevin Grantham, N5KRG and Liz Brown, K5EMB, were on hand to demonstrate the amateur radio station assigned to each MRC “POD” (Point of Distribution). Kevin and Dale also presented information about Skywarn and severe weather safety.
Analyze This
Lars Anderson, KN5UTE, and Bill Krueger, AE5BK, demonstrated an inexpensive DIY analyzer solution at the January, 2015 meeting. More details here.
Standby for QRM
Marisa, KF5OWW, and Mike, AF5CL, Marshall are pleased to present Caleb Aaron Marshall, born December 18, 2014. The future ham weighed in at 6 pounds, 13 ounces; wavelength 19.5 inches. Congratulations and best wishes from the entire MARS fan club!
Photo courtesy Mike Marshall, AF5CL.
MARS 2014 Christmas Party is a holiday success
Hams and guests enjoyed dinner and prizes at the golf course.
Go now for pictures and the rest of the story.
Hams help WWII radio operator get back on the air
Bruce Husband, KC5MG, is a WWII veteran who served as a radio operator aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress in Europe. He recently moved to Carrollton but had yet to get his station up and running. Getting an antenna in the air could be quite a challenge, especially if you’re 90.
Bruce Husband, KC5MG
Success at the Switchyard
2014’s Festival at the Switchyard in downtown Carrollton on November 1 was a huge success. Go here for the rest of the story.
Lee Cheever’s Fine Engineering
At the October 9, 2014 meeting, Lee Cheever, W5IG, presented his latest innovations for amateur radio. Go here for the rest of the story.
Lee Cheever, W5IG, radio innovator.
Members train with the MRC
Several members of MARS, the Carrollton-Farmers Branch-Addison RACES/ARES group and other area hams trained recently with the Dallas County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). Go here for the rest of the story.
Steve, KD5YPB, Jerry, N5ZW and Kevin, N5KRG, assemble a mast and antenna during MRC training.