Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society

Updated January 19, 2019
A message for the New Year from
President David Gilpin, K5GIL
On behalf of the Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society, I hope that everyone had nice Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations with friends and family. As we welcome 2016, it’s a good time to look back at 2015 and make plans for the New Year!
MARS had a very successful 2015. We:
participated in Santa Fe Days, Texas State Parks on the Air, and Ham-Com in Irving
visited area Field Day sites
helped W5IG with his antenna
had a blast at Carrollton’s “Festival at the Switchyards”
enjoyed record-breaking attendance at our weekly “Hams & Eggs” breakfast meetings.
We also grew the Club with new members, including newly-licensed Hams. And we are proud to have several very active XYLs as part of the MARS family!
As we celebrate 2016, it’s a good time to make some Ham Plans. Here are some suggestions:
While it is cooler, check your antennas, feed lines, grounds, etc. on your base and mobile. It’s a lot easier now than when it’s
100 degrees! -
Organize and inventory your Ham gear.
Plan a Ham Radio “go box” or bag.
Make a commitment to work a new band or mode; try something new! One of my buddies in Colorado who loves PSK-31 is enjoying other digital modes such as Contestia, Olivia, and others.
Mention Ham Radio to a co-worker or friend. When I’m on a business trip, I’ve had very interesting conversations with folks on a plane about Amateur Radio. Spreading the word to help our hobby grow is fun!
Ham Radio has a great future and we’re looking forward to another fantastic year! Happy New Year and 73 to all!
David K5GIL
Holiday Fest A Success
10 December 2015
The annual MARS Christmas Party was a smashing success. Over 70 hams and their families gathered at the Plantation Golf Club in Frisco for food, fun, fellowship and entertainment. MARS President David Gilpin, K5GIL, welcomed the guests and enthralled the audience with his version of Gary Pearce’s (KN4AQ) “A Ham Radio Operator’s Night Before Christmas.”

“I think we had a great party, despite the distance, dark parking lot, and the cozy room,” Gilpin said. “We’re looking forward to returning to our old venue at Indian Creek next year.”
Food and culture were not the only attractions. A fantastic variety of door prizes created lots of interest. Prize coordinators Darrell (KG5E) and Marty (K5VQM) Crimmins noted that most of the items came from a club member who was not able to continue the hobby. The club offered him a fair price for the lot and he was delighted.
Ron Reeves, NN5R, won the grand Raffle Prize of an Icom IC-718. The big Door Prize of an Icom IC-208H dual-band mobile went to James McCormick, KG5KBP. James is a new ham and we expect to hear him on the air soon with his new rig. Other prizes included power supplies, antennas, an SWR meter, an antenna analyzer and an auto- tuner.
Go now to the Photo Gallery for a glimpse of the festivities.

Ron Reeves, NN5R, proudly displays his prize while David Gilpin, K5GIL, and Kevin Grantham, N5KRG, applaud his good fortune.

James McCormick, KG5KBP, with his new rig.