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Updated April 15, 2016

Hams Work Santa Fe Days

19 March 2016


Carrollton ARES again participated in the annual Santa Fe Days In The Park. Radio operators “shadowed” event managers to provide instant communications among the various department heads. Steve Darrah, KD5YPB, coordinated the event and acted a net control.


“This was a great opportunity to serve,” Darrah said. “This was a low key event for radio operators to practice our communications skills.”


Santa Fe Days is a celebration of Native American culture and offers food, entertainment, prizes and a wide variety of arts and crafts from around the country. If requested, Carrollton ARES plans to support the event next year. Thanks go to all who signed up to volunteer their community service.


Click or tap the Gallery below to browse the pictures:

Shadow-ee & Shadow-er
Robin the Shadow
Shadow Controller
Inconspicuous Shadow
Shadow Group
Prepare for Anything

10 March 2016


At the March regular meeting, Elliott Reep, K5EJR, presented “Preparedness Starts at Home!” Elliott is the Emergency Management Coordinator for the City of Carrollton, and has years of experience dealing with all sorts of hazards in this area. Severe weather is the most likely threat the public faces in north Texas.


You can download a PDF and an audio file by right-clicking the links below.

Preparedness Starts At Home [PDF]

Preparedness Starts At Home Pt1 [MP3]

Preparedness Starts At Home Pt2 [MP3]

Other resources include:

Carrollton Alert

Carrollton Emergency Management

North Central Texas Emergency Preparedness

Texas Department of State Health Services

Weather Radios

OSCAR is Not a Statue

11 February 2016


Bob Bailey, W5TFY, gave an entertaining and informative talk at our February meeting. Bob was part of a team monitoring the first OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio) launched on 12 December 1961. Bob and his colleagues assembled a station to track OSCAR, record telemetry and send the data to Stanford University for analysis. In the amateur radio tradition, this was all without funding from any agency.

You may download a PDF and an audio recording of Bob’s presentation, and find out more about OSCAR and amateur radio satellites from these links:


W5TFY Presentation (PDF)

W5TFY Audio (MP3)

Bob Bailey W5TFY


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